International Classes

What is an International Class?
Since 2012 there is an “International Class” at Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium. Students of the international class have only recently come to Germany. Their achievements in their schools in their home countries were very good; many have already attended a grammar school. They want and have to learn German first. So their aim is to master the German language in a way that they can attend regular classes completely after two years and even finish school with their Abitur.
In autumn 2014 we opened a second international class. The students, coming from Southern and Eastern Europe, Russia and the Middle East, make up a very colourful mix with an extraordinary atmosphere in our classes which enrich our school a lot.
According to the timetable in our international classes the students have very intensive lessons in German as a Foreign Language taught by specialized teachers. Furthermore they are taught in English, mathematics, PE and art in their class so they do not fall behind in the curriculum and they have the opportunity of gaining confidence to use the foreign language and a sense of community.
After about 3 months every student is integrated into our regular classes we choose according to their age and their knowledge. The students first attend the PE, mathematics and English lessons of their regular classes. As their command of German improves they are taught in more and more subjects in their regular classes which means that each student has an individual timetable that considers their personal interests as much as possible.
Gradually the international students have to get accustomed to German as the language used in lessons and have to learn the terminology of the different subjects such as science. Very quickly they connect and socialise with the German students and thereby improve their command of German.
Eventually the international students are completely integrated into their regular classes.

What do the lessons look like?
The lessons in our international classes have to consider the different needs of the group as the students are of different age and command of German. Furthermore the students change between lessons in their regular and the international classes. The students are taught individually and in the group. Our teachers ensure that the students get everything they need to be “fit” for the transition to the regular classes. But we also make sure the students feel comfortable in their new environment and assist with everything that arises.

How can my child join an international class?
Generally you have to contact the Local Centre for Integration (Kommunale Integrationszentrum (KI) der Stadt Aachen (Reichsweg 30, Nadelfabrik, 0241 / 432-50418). If you come from abroad and are looking for a school for your child please do not contact our school directly. Please contact the Local Centre for Integration. Based on the school reports and the personality of your child you will be given the school that suits your child best.
As the number of students in our international classes is limited and the requirements for a grammar school are high we cannot accept students that are not sent by the Local Centre of Integration.
Before we accept students at our school we conduct diagnostic placement tests in English and mathematics in order to be able to learn about their performance levels.